Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Hi and welcome to my blog, the aim of which is to not only to inform you of upcoming shows etc but to give more details on my work process, the workings of my head, my day to day irritations and anything that makes my front trouser bottom smile.

As many of you know I am somewhat prone to ranting, mostly on the subject of stupidity and ignorance which I will continue to do here in greater depth so prepare yourselves. Subtly in not my middle name but I'm pretty good at honesty which somewhat makes up for it. 

I will be posting videos and pictures of construction process, things that inspire me and other things we'd be much better off without.

Hope it won't be too boring.


  1. Nice shot of you lounging on the Orbit chair:) Looking forward to reading more posts, and I'm sure it won't be boring at all, Colin

  2. Nice! Make sure to add a widget-thingie so we can subscribe to your blog and be notified when new rants appear. xo!
